Every business is unique, so our clients’ insurance and pension requirements naturally vary. At Ensure, our insurance brokers are here to advise and help businesses get the right cover, prices and solutions to meet their individual requirements.
We pride ourselves on finding the best solution on the market for our clients. But then, what is the best solution on the market? Is it the most inexpensive price, the highest customer service, the best coverage or the international expertise?
It all depends on your enterprise and your needs.

Analyse af virksomhedens behov – hele vejen rundt
Your industry, employment, number of employees and everything in between help define your requirements and needs, and therein lie any unknown risks or unforeseen needs. That is where our advisers enter the picture. Through many years of experience, the right training and our internal sparring between colleagues, we guarantee you the most competent partners.
In addition to ensuring that our clients’ insurance risks are properly covered and their employees have the right pension solutions, we first and foremost help identify the requirements of enterprises.
As an unbiased insurance broker we develop insurance solutions and an insurance policy on the basis of a 360-degree analysis. This allows us to provide you with a complete overview and confidence that your risk exposure is covered.
We go to the market for you
When entering into agreements with our clients, we always obtain a power of attorney to access the company’s current insurance and pension solutions. Ensure’s insurance brokers carefully review the information and begin their work to determine whether the current cover and prices match the wishes and requirements.
The broker then goes out to tender on behalf of the company and can thus obtain offers from all insurance companies on the market. This is one of the many advantages of being served by brokers, as we can operate in the entire insurance market without being tied to one supplier. This gives us great flexibility and is a huge advantage for the client.
It creates reassurance and trust that our clients have a broker at their side of the table, looking after their interests only in the search for the best solution.

Our recommendation to you
Once the offers have been obtained, a benchmark analysis is carried out, taking into account numerous parameters in consultation with you. You will then be presented with our recommendations and the solution(s) that match your needs and, most importantly, at the most optimal price. Of course we only work to give you the best possible value for money.
When the client is given the floor
Jensens Bøfhus is a client of Ensure. Initially, they were only assisted by a broker in the insurance part, but when a new pension solution was needed, Ensure Pension was quick to catch the ball and find one of the best solutions on the market for our client. We had a talk with CFO Thomas Meyer-Iversen about our collaboration and were pleased with the positive feedback:
“We are very pleased with our collaboration with Ensure Forsikring. We have taken out an insurance programme that is both better and less expensive than the one we already had. When faced with finding a new pension solution, the Ensure pension team worked hard to find a solution that would ensure Jensen’s employees could be enrolled in a pension scheme in connection with withdrawal from the collective agreement with 3F.
Throughout the process, our employees were taken care of and individual counselling sessions were held. Ensure managed to deliver a job exceeding expectations.
After a round of tenders with several companies, Ensure was good at coming up with and counselling on the best solution. Here they found a player in the market that had a good reputation and could deliver a solution that worked for us.
It has been a really positive process. My impression of Ensure is that you are proactive, service-minded and always helpful.”
– Thomas Meyer-Iversen, Jensens Bøfhus A/S

What our client promise means to our employees
CEO/Managing Partner/Insurance Broker, Ensure Forsikring Øst
Jacob Ellenhard is manager and insurance broker at Ensure Forsikring Øst. When Ensure was founded, it was with a fundamental vision to deliver the best solutions on the market.
For this reason, Ensure has created a concept that is a strong combination of what insurance companies do very well and what traditional insurance brokers offer. He states:
“We draw up an insurance policy, which is seen as the company’s (client’s) strategy for choosing and declining insurance. The insurance policy makes clear which risks the insurance companies will cover and which risks the company will take on itself.”
For more information watch this video where Jacob describes what the client promise means to him.
Lasse Siggaard is manager and insurance broker at Ensure Pension. Finding the best market solution for our clients is an individual matter, and for this reason we do not work with prefabricated solutions. He states:
“Once we have identified risk information, decision parameters and client needs together with our client, we go to the market and obtain offers from the relevant suppliers that may be relevant to the given client.
(…) It is important for us, on an ongoing basis and at least once a year, to provide an independent benchmark analysis to our clients to ensure the transparency and decision-making basis that the clients need to consider a possible change of supplier.”
For more information watch this video where Lasse describes what the client promise means to him.
Client Manager, Ensure Pension
Maria Bording er Client Manager hos Ensure Pension. Hun ved, at pensionsmarkedet kan være både kompliceret og svært at gennemskue for mange. Som uvildig pensionsmægler er det Marias fornemmeste opgave at gøre pension forståeligt og sikre transparens i markedet. Hun fortæller:
“I mit daglige arbejde er det vigtigt for mig at sikre, at mine kunder bliver klædt ordentligt på til at træffe beslutningen om den fremtidige pensionsleverandør. Helt konkret betyder det, at vi i beslutningsprocessen har en tæt dialog med kunden om, hvilke parametre der har størst betydning for dem.”
Se med i videoen, hvor Maria fortæller, hvad kundeløftet betyder for hende.