Insurance for professional consultants such as engineers and architects is not an off-the-shelf item that is put together in advance – as brokers, we help you with the composition of the correct cover at the right premium.
Consulting engineer/building owner consultant
Our insurance brokers focus on the right coverage extensions for consulting engineers and building owner consultants. We have insight into the latest trends and the general opportunities available in terms of insurance technology, and our specialists have a broad knowledge of the legislation in this area.
We often experience problems with the interaction between contracts and insurance coverage. This can be, for example, requirements for insurance sums, deductibles or requirements for unlimited replenishment of sums. Through valuable sparring, we help our clients, and in mutual collaboration we can advise you on the optimal solution.

Building expert
Regardless of whether your tasks involve the preparation of inspection reports, energy labels, electrical reports or pressure tests, our insurance brokers know the correct insurance coverage in accordance with the law.
In terms of our market position, we have in-depth knowledge of which coverage and clauses are available in the insurance market and which are crucial for you as a company to include. For example, it is decisive with a clause that defines the run-off period It is the insurance that the building expert had when preparing the inspection report that provides cover – even if the damage is not discovered until a long time after.
Further, we assist with workflow in case of damage and related processes.
As a self-employed architect or architectural firm, your focus should be on your consultant liability insurance, which is a very important part of the agreements entered into with a client. Therefore, pay close attention to how the liability you assume plays together with the coverage on your insurance.
At Ensure, we focus on ensuring that your adviser liability insurance is put together correctly – both in terms of cover sums and the work areas you deal with.
As a result of our extensive market knowledge, we can also offer counselling on the special requirements for members of Danske Ark.

Project liability
In cases where you have to take out or co-insure on a project liability insurance, Ensure provides in-depth counselling to ensure that you do not take on a greater risk than expected – it could, for example, be an extraordinarily large deductible or other similar conditions.
We pay close attention to coverage and clauses in the project liability insurance, of course in relation to the job assignment and the risks you undertake.
We pay close attention to coverage and clauses in the project liability insurance, of course in relation to the job assignment and the risks you undertake.
Run-off cover
Run-off cover, which means cover for a period after expiry of the insurance, is yet another important parameter which we advise you of. If, for example, you resign as a consulting engineer, and subsequent claims arise at your work after your firm has closed, the outcome can be bleak. Here, run-off cover is extraordinarily important so that in the worst case you do not have to be personally liable.