Insurance solutions to meet the complex requirements of the real estate sector
At Ensure our expertise includes the latest developments affecting property insurance needs specific to the real estate sector. Our team of specialists have extensive expertise in the matters of key relevance to this area. Challenges such as new legislation, societal changes and interplay between insurance cover options and risk are some of our primary focus areas.
Due to our in-depth knowledge of the market, we know that the real estate sector’s insurance needs are diverse, and specialised know-how is, therefore, essential to align the solutions to your individual needs. For every client the starting point to their specific case is a comprehensive needs analysis, an extensive risk assessment, and a ongoing negotiation strategy with the insurance providers.

Property investor
Ensure knows that the choice and composition of insurance has a direct impact on returns, and thus the valuation of your property portfolio. With significant values involved, even small adjustments in insurance conditions have a major impact on your balance sheet.
We target and ensure the correct coverage
Ensure accounts for individual and special needs rather than one-size-fits-all coverage that can often have its own shortcomings. This might mean considering coverage for acts of terrorism for centrally located properties, differences in the composition of properties with respect to leasing plus operating expenses or “market rent.”
We often see VAT managed incorrectly, consequently one either overpays substantially, or have a very high deductible. We have in-depth understanding of how important these aspects are to returns on an individual property and thereby the valuation of the overall portfolio. The above are all areas that we often see overlooked in general insurance coverage practice, however, they are included in property portfolio monitoring by Ensure.
Property developers
Property developers work in a field where time, speed and oversight are critical aspects to the outcome and ultimate success of a construction project. At Ensure we know the market terms and the importance of being proactive in area such as building construction insurance, deadlines and development of the project.

Has everything been accounted for?
There are many aspects that must be considered when it comes to property development. Weather conditions/changes, guarantee insurance, foreign deliveries and workforce must all be insured correctly. If a challenge arises, Ensure guarantees that it has already been factored into the overall policy. We can do this because we always customise our real estate insurance to the construction project in question – based on specific need.
Competent project management of insurance plans
With Ensure overseeing the insurance of your projects, you are guaranteed a pro-active adviser who is continuously abreast of deadlines. We utilise a special project management tool that considers the interplay between construction property liability-, building damage-, all-risk-, contract-, and building insurance, including expirations and extensions.
This way we are on the forefront, and we make sure there is no doubt as to whether it was the builder or the contactor that was supposed to obtain all-risk insurance, or that no issues arise due to the day before a commissioning permit is needed the construction insurance has lapsed. In addition to greater peace of mind, this also means that terms are negotiated on time, thereby achieving better prices on insurance for the project.
Want to know more?
Please contact us if you want to know more about how Ensure can help you find the best property insurance.
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Owner associations/housing cooperatives
Uncertainty regarding insurance conditions frequently arises in housing associations. We have in-depth knowledge of the many challenges and points that must be kept in focus when managing a housing association. Getting this into place can be time-consuming when you don’t have the necessary knowledge of the insurance market and when it is your own personal responsibility to make sure the association’s insurance policy covers what it’s supposed to.
When you do business with Ensure and our team of specialists, you as an insurance manager/board member can transfer complete legal responsibility for advising. You can thereby rest assured, knowing the correct options have been added or removed.

“From the start, I felt at hand. We are very happy with the negotiations, because now we have the same coverage but with lower prices. Ensure equals fast service, friendliness and propriety.”
– Majken Pedersen, A/B Ulrikkenborg
Are you aware of the consequences of insufficient insurance coverage?
There are many aspects to the work of association boards. Everything from regulations to committee work, terror threats, damage prevention, negotiation with suppliers and everything in between is the responsibility of the board. If an accident occurs and damage has resulted, an individual board member can be held personally liable, with personal and financial consequence as a result.
When you work with us, we don’t just manage all the full range of insurance options, but also hold legal responsibility as the insurance broker. This means that you can continue working securely on all the important tasks for residents in your association and ensure the best possible terms for them without having to worry about personal liability.
Housing associations

Correct insurance of housing associations is a complex matter that is often left to be managed by people who have a wide array of various important tasks already demanding their attention.
It often happens that housing associations see increases forecast in their insurance premiums and changes in risk as a result of weather conditions, vandalism, etc. Our team of specialists has extensive experience tackling these challenges and taking the steps to resolve them. This serves to free up resources and minimise administrative burden.
Entrust us with the responsibility
Our work with housing associations is a multi-faceted task. Some of our focal points include making sure the maintenance plan is linked together with the insurance coverage. We analyse insurance needs and risk potential, and select a completely correct insurance policy with the necessary options included.
We also utilise valuable digital tools that help create a complete overview of the property’s insurance policy. Rapid access to the policy can make a big difference on a day to day basis, should damages occur.

Property manager
Property managers often need to work across multiple owner associations. This creates a need for a comprehensive overview. At the same time there are different actors to consider, both on the tenant level and the board level. On the whole these are resource-intensive areas that require the close cooperation that Ensure has developed over many years as an insurance broker for property managers.
The right sounding board, enabling a useful overview
As insurance brokers we go in and assume legal responsibility for the correct coverage. Meanwhile, we can act as a sounding board, helping for example to prepare reports for board meetings and annual meetings, for example. We thereby save our clients from having to undertake many time-consuming tasks. At the same time we work with professional digital tools, making it possible to work and operate easily as a property manager, as a complete overview is always at hand.

International real estate
Ensure is a member of the world’s largest independent broker network, WBN. This means that we have selected insurance brokers around the world who can provide assistance with insurance solutions that are 100% compliant with the laws and requirements of the country in question.
We are the connecting link across national borders
Through WBN we can retrieve all relevant data when questions or new needs arise for our clients’ real estate assets abroad. We therefore ensure that everything is made understandable and transparent for our clients, and that a comprehensive overview is always at hand.
Regardless of whether insurance has been obtained in multiple countries or just one, you will still have a single point of contact with Ensure. This means our clients need not trouble themselves with resource-intensive processes. We manage the task, handle the contact, and make sure everything is correctly covered and insured. That it all happens far away is therefore not a problem. We are close by, even if there is a significant distance between the client and the foreign property activities.
Local knowledge makes the difference
Our business partners are on location, and are carefully selected through a validated process and on the basis of the high standards that are the hallmark of WBN. Our clients are therefore guaranteed advising and insurance solutions that are 100% correct. Local circumstances are key factors to adequate coverage, and through the best local insurance brokers we can offer property insurance that accounts for everything, such as weather, terror risk, specific local challenges, etc.
Independent insurance broker working on your behalf
Ensure works independently on behalf of our clients. We negotiate, purchase, and compile the insurance solutions on the best possible terms, which is possible because we are free to operate throughout the entire insurance market on the client’s behalf.
We are experts in handling the full range of risks, calculated and processed on the basis of segmenting of insurance needs. Furthermore, we serve as a sounding board in a wide range of areas. We can therefore help optimise conditions, such as in instances where financial savings can be realised. Here we serve as an extension of the company, as an unbiased and independent insurance broker, and negotiate the best possible insurance policy for you.
International broker network for your international security
Ensure is part of the world’s largest broker network, WBN, and is therefore able to manage and process property insurance upon purchase or possession of international real estate.